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Acupuncture and Naturopathy
in County Roscommon, Leitrim & Sligo
Acupuncture is an aspect of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practised in the Far East for thousands of years.
It is based on the understanding that energy, known as qi, flows throughout the body via channels or meridians. When a person's qi gets blocked or is deficient, the body is no longer balanced and this results in ill health.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles along specific points, to clear these energy blockages or increase the flow of qi in someone who may be deficient. It is a holistic form of medicine and improves both the patient's physical and emotional well-being.
Acupuncture is considered safe for all ages and can be used effectively alongside conventional medicine.
Some people turn to acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition. Others choose to have treatment to help maintain good health, as a preventive measure, or to improve their general sense of well-being. Because traditional acupuncture aims to treat the whole person rather than specific symptoms in isolation, it can be effective for a range of conditions.
The World Health Organisation lists conditions for which acupuncture has been found to be effective through research.
This information is available on their website.
There are research fact sheets produced by the British Acupuncture Council which can be accessed HERE. These fact sheets give accurate and unbiased general information; they provide summaries of research and how acupuncture may be beneficial for over 60 conditions. Please see below the most common conditions:
Back Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Acupuncture is now widely used and accepted all over the world. In Ireland and in Europe more and more people are finding out how acupuncture can benefit them.
In addition to the more commonly known needling procedure of acupuncture, there are also a few other techniques that have considerable value.
Initial acupuncture consultation & treatment €75 (60 - 85 mins)
Follow-up acupuncture treatment €60 (45 - 60 mins)
Combination of naturopathy & acupuncture €90 (75 - 90 mins)
Payment can be made by cash, Revolut or bank transfer.
Please note that there is a charge for appointments cancelled less than 24 hours notice as a courtesy of other clients waiting for appointments.
It is recommended that a minimum of 4 treatments be undertaken in order to facilitate an effective treatment strategy and to allow for a comprehensive assessment. The number of treatments will vary, they will be tailored to suit the patient’s response and for the condition being treated.
The AFPA is recognised by:
between Arigna & Keadue
Co. Roscommon
Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday & Thursday: 11:00 - 19:00
What Our Patients Say
"I saw Erika as my husband and I had been trying unsuccessfully to start a family and were about to commence ivf treatment. Erika was an amazing support and the acupuncture really helped with the side effects of treatment. I really had very few side effects and found the treatment to be relaxing. I became pregnant and continued the acupuncture throughout my pregnancy. The acupuncture really helped keep nausea and heartburn at bay and I had a good pregnancy. We are blessed now with baby Thomas and I really believe that Erika's support played a huge part in bringing him to this world. I wholeheartedly recommend her." Louise
"I started to have acupuncture 4 months ago because I had been having cluster headaches every week for the last 6 years. After having 5 sessions with Erika - who is lovely - I am feeling great, my headaches have completely gone and sleeping much better." Angela
"A great result. I went along with sciatica, lower back and hip pain and after a course of acupuncture I'm back to normal. Many thanks Erika" Pat
"Acupuncture has been such a useful method which has enabled me to manage stress, muscle pain and reduce pain with menstural cramps. I discover new things about my body during the process and Erika is a lovely practitioner who has helped me with changing my lifestyle and provided me with helpful foods and herb tips too.” Charlotte
“I find acupuncture one of the most efficient ways to keep my energy balanced and manage stress and anxiety. Erika is very skilled and provides one of the best acupuncture services I have been able to use so far.” Ben
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